Tuesday 6 March 2012

Self Reflection #4

Year 2, AKA 2013 has ended. It was legit so much work, but really fun too. I developed my persona a lot more in year 2. Now I have hobbies, interests, and I've translated some of those into my kids' personalities. I also made a lot more money in year 2, so it's much easier to do stuff I'd want to do as an adult. I can go on trips, buy nice clothes, invest in my hobbies, like buying thousand dollar watches ;) Anywaaaaays, I got on track with my reality add-ons in year 2, I wasn't completely caught up, but I got on top of all that stuff in year 23. I finished my spreadsheets before the year ended this time, unlike year 1, which carried over into year 2... oops. Overall though, I really got on top of my work in year 2, which meant year 3 wasn't too hard.

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