Tuesday 28 February 2012

Blog Post #9

For the holidays of 2013, Anthony, Jamal, Kat, Sam, and I all went to Anthony's parents' house.  We opened presents and all that at our house, then went over to Toronto in the afternoon. It was a really nice Christmas and we had a delicious dinner.During the break, I taught our kids to skate and they're doing really well.For New Year's, Anthony and I put our kids in daycare and went out for dinner and drinks with Zak, Phil, Andrew, and Jonah at The Arrow. For Christmas, Sam, Jermaine, and Kat all got new shoes, a PS3 to share, and a TV for their playroom. We had a really fun winter break. We took the kids tobogganing, skating. The best thing was when we built up really high snow forts and had a big snowball fight.

Kat's Hyperdunks
Sam's Creative Recreations
Jamal's Nike Air Huarache Elite's

Sunday 19 February 2012

Blog Post #8

For Anthony's 30th birthday in July, I bought him a Hublot Aero Bang watch. It cost me almost $26,000. Which leads me to my new found hobby, collecting luxury watches. For my birthday, I asked my friends to get me luxury watches. These watches don't have to be expensive or anything, I wouldn't ask my friends for a $26,000 watch, they just look really nice. For my party, Philip, Anthony, Zak, Andrew, Jonah, and I all drove in to Toronto for dinner at Hair of the Dog, a very high-end restaurant. We got the meal for free however, since I know the owner, it was a birthday gift. Then we went out to a club/bar of the same owner. We had a really fun night. It We went back to Horizonia very early in the morning and I believe it goes without saying we all took a day off work. I covered the bill from the club for my friends. Turning 31 may be no big deal, but that night sure was. It was nice to get out to the city and get away from work even if it was for just a little while.

Blog Post #7

Clearly I haven't been updating my blog frequently as 2013 is already over and I've only made two posts this year! 2013 was Anthony and I's first year with our new kids, Sam, Jamal, and Kat, and we love them.   This year has been great for my business and I've been able to pull myself out of my debts from 2012. Anthony's gambling issues have been on the rise. It's been worrisome but he's actually been winning a lot of money. As long as he isn't in debt and starting any beef, it's harmless. Profit projections for this year are unbelievable. In the first four months of the year I made more than double my starting salary for 2012.  This year, Eli, Tristan, and I have been working together a lot more. We still separate our business but we're a lot more helpful to each other now and it's improving all of our sales. We held a will writing workshop a the end of the year which really helped the people of Horizonia and made us a lot of money. I'm really hoping Mr. Merali will win the election so that an investment opportunity for the condos could be negotiated. My investments I made with the $20,00 I inherited at the beginning of the year have been making money, and overall my life is just very good. I'm really hoping Mr. Merali will win the election so that an investment opportunity for the condos could be negotiated.

Monday 13 February 2012

Mayor Responses (Blog post #6)

Jonah is running for re-election and his platform looks promising. He's all about bringing up the economy of Horizonia; he's proposed to build a new condo where the old factory is. He also supports the protection of families, whether they're conventional or not. Jonah also supports the idea of economic development. He's proposed, with the help of Roy Buck, to remove the old factory and build a condominium there. Jonah's goal in doing that is to open our economy and create sustainable development for Horizonia. I believe that with the help of Roy Buck, Jonah can really improve our town and make it a much more prominent place in Ontario.

Emma Swarney is the mayor candidate and her platform is the opposite in some aspects. Emma's platform is mostly centered around family. Rather than wanting corporate development for Horizonia, Emma wants to keep the tight-nit community of our town the way it is. She's also completely opposed to Jonah and Roy Buck's plan to build a condo on the waterfront. A big part of Emma's campaign is Project: Lakshore, and she's trying to keep the lake just the way it is.

In my opinion, Emma's campaign is just to stop Jonah from executing his campaign, and if it weren't for Jonah, Emma wouldn't be running at all.Whether that's true or not, that's how it looks to me and I don't feel a very valid platform is one that just attacks another.

Sunday 12 February 2012

Self-reflection #3

Today was the first day of year two. Because of the new agenda system with the stickers, I now have three kids, smoke/water damage in my house, and on a different note, inherited $20,000, which I invested. Anthony and I weren't going to have any kids, considering the extra cost and extra work, but now it's pretty much mandatory. We both got the number two on our agendas so we were going to have four, but Nicole dropped it down to two, fortunately. Although, at least our adoption process won't cost anything since I'm a lawyer, and I already have adoption certificates made up. I spent most of the morning dealing with my spreadsheets and finishing my year one records. It turns out that my profit for that year was only $488.83, which is kind of embarrassing considering my starting salary is $80,000. The main problem is that people don't actually account for a lawyer when they do business so most contracts go without notarization, and real estate deals go down without a lawyer. That's the most frustrating part in terms of in-role stuff because Tristan, Eli, and I have made multiple announcements and I've reminded the real estate agents and bank. The good thing is that I'm finally on top of my work, except my blog...

Blog Post #5

I've finally caught with my blogging for last year. Overall, 2012 was pretty good, in spite of some unfortunate things. The snowstorm at the beginning of the year gave Anthony, and some friends bonding time. Since none of us could go in to work, Philip, Zak, and Andrew all came over to our house. The rainstorm in the spring made for some nice rainbows and the flowers blossomed beautifully, I think it was worth it. The heatwave in the summer was brutal, and there really wasn't any upside to it; the beaches were crowded, the heat was unbearable, and lots of our neighbors had lawn damage because of it. now it's 2013, and this years going even better than the last. Before deductions, I've already made over $100,000, and projections for it to get even higher. Anthony and I just finished re-furnishing the house to accommodate our three kids that we just got adoption papers approved for! I'm extremely excited to start my life with them.

Blog Post #4

The fall of 2012 was was actually very nice. Not only did I make the most money out of 2012 then, which shows projection for better profit this year, but it was also fairly warm. At least for the first month or so, because the general heat of the summer was higher than usual because of the heatwave, it last through September and a bit of October. Like I've said before, Anthony and I were trying to save money for our kids on the way so I didn't throw an extravagant party for my birthday (September 16th), just a small get-together with some friends, and my parents came to visit the night before. For Halloween, Anthony and I went to a party with some of his poker friends. They're nice guys, but i think they spend a little too much time at the casino, and it's starting to have an influence on Anthony.

Monday 6 February 2012

Blog Post #3

As I've stated before, I'm very behind on my blog. It's already 2012 and I'm only just starting the post that should've been made in the summer. In July, Horizonia suffered a brutal heatwave. Lots of people had yard damage, and it was awful wearing a suit to work everyday, which is why it was so good that Anthony won a radio contest. We got a free, two night getaway to Windsor Arms in Toronto, including a gourmet dinner. The rest of the summer was really nice though. We decided not to go on a huge vacation because we knew our adoption process would be completed int he new year and we needed to save our money, especially my firm not doing incredibly well that year. We did spend a few days off at the beach though, which was nice. I just got my second business loan approved this year which will I'll be able to expand a lot and make more money. This year I was also to hired to act as Impervia's in-house council, which will just mean more money, which is always good.