Monday 6 February 2012

Blog Post #3

As I've stated before, I'm very behind on my blog. It's already 2012 and I'm only just starting the post that should've been made in the summer. In July, Horizonia suffered a brutal heatwave. Lots of people had yard damage, and it was awful wearing a suit to work everyday, which is why it was so good that Anthony won a radio contest. We got a free, two night getaway to Windsor Arms in Toronto, including a gourmet dinner. The rest of the summer was really nice though. We decided not to go on a huge vacation because we knew our adoption process would be completed int he new year and we needed to save our money, especially my firm not doing incredibly well that year. We did spend a few days off at the beach though, which was nice. I just got my second business loan approved this year which will I'll be able to expand a lot and make more money. This year I was also to hired to act as Impervia's in-house council, which will just mean more money, which is always good.

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