Sunday 19 February 2012

Blog Post #8

For Anthony's 30th birthday in July, I bought him a Hublot Aero Bang watch. It cost me almost $26,000. Which leads me to my new found hobby, collecting luxury watches. For my birthday, I asked my friends to get me luxury watches. These watches don't have to be expensive or anything, I wouldn't ask my friends for a $26,000 watch, they just look really nice. For my party, Philip, Anthony, Zak, Andrew, Jonah, and I all drove in to Toronto for dinner at Hair of the Dog, a very high-end restaurant. We got the meal for free however, since I know the owner, it was a birthday gift. Then we went out to a club/bar of the same owner. We had a really fun night. It We went back to Horizonia very early in the morning and I believe it goes without saying we all took a day off work. I covered the bill from the club for my friends. Turning 31 may be no big deal, but that night sure was. It was nice to get out to the city and get away from work even if it was for just a little while.

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